My name is ExtremeLocket2; better known as Kirbyranitar. I’m so happy to officially be on Newgrounds. I’m going to post as many artworks here as I could. I’m not too sure how active I’ll be but I can still stay in touch. Discord Tag is Kirbytar.
Gamer and Artist
HFIL (Graduated)
Bay State
Joined on 7/12/19
I Think Its A Bit Over Kill To Let One Annoying Girl Strain Your Relationship With Women I Know She Might Of Meant A Lot To You Though Shes Not Worth Ruining Your Life Over She Clearly Thinks Very Little Of You So Why Consider Her A Friend Your Probablely Better Off
First of all: Why capitalize every word?
Second: I think you got the wrong idea. The fact that it was a girl is not the problem by itself, and I think you're thinking about the girl from 2 years ago when you said that she probably thought little of me. Like I said to another guy, I much rather go further on the details in private messages.